Monday, February 4, 2013

5forFIVE, monday link-ups & {another award!}

OKAY ladies..  try not to be so bummed because Mondays do suck esp because im at work! but I got another Award! yay 

Thank you Latesha @ By the Light of the Moon {Phoenix}  for another Liebster Award! i feel so honored! no seriously, i do! I'm so thankful to have people that actually READ my blog! i love that feeling! so thank you again girl! 

 for those of you who don't know The Liebster Blog Award is an award given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers, most of whom have less than 200 followers (or have been blogging for less than 6 months). It is to show newer bloggers that they are appreciated, and to help spread the word about new blogs. It was created to promote appreciation and recognition among the blog world. Liebster translates to “dearest” (or favorite/best) in German. It is also known as the Love Blog Award.

                             Answer 11 questions about myself 
                     Share 11 facts about me 
          Nominate 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers 
Produce 11 questions for nominees 
And each nominee must link back to me as you are finished in your blog post!

Questions for Me
  1. What's the history behind your blog name? - well! i was going to start a blog about just nails, for my Instagram so i started looking up blog names, and came across Manicures and extra frosting... so i changed the frosting to sprinkles and fell in love!
  2. How long have you been blogging? - I've only been blogging for about two months!
  3. Why did you start blogging? - my intentions were to start a nail diary, but then i thought about how i really don't do many tutorials, i just paint my nails, that would be boring! lol so now its about my recent manis and my life!
  4. Name 1 item you could not live without. (ANYTHING- beauty product, clothing, food, physical object, etc.) - my phone! i have it attached to me 24/7
  5. What is your favorite fairytale? Why? - any damn Disney movie! they are all soooooooo sweet & (so fairytale) !
  6. What song do you have on your iPod, phone, Mp3, etc. that you would be embarrassed for others to hear? - I'm not ashamed of anything that i have music wise! lol sorry i don't have Britney Spears or Backstreet Boys or Nsync in there! hah aha
  7. When was your most recent public embarrassment - probably falling drunk at a bar! not once but twice, or maybe three times!! LMAO
  8. Which was the 1st blog you started following? - you know what i honestly can't even remember who the very first one was, i started following like 100 or more blogs a day! LOL i know i don't know what i was thinking! like i could see all those blogs everyday! haha but i do remember a few of the first i stumbled across were...  Ricci @ A Beautiful Mess   //  Aunie @ AunieSause  // Halie @ Penguins, Pasta & polka Dots
  9. What is your favorite post from your blog? - my favorite post is probably
    " What's inside your bag? " it was probably my first real post lol thanks to Ricci & Aunie & Halie!
  10. If you could have dinner with anyone in the world- living or dead- who would it be and why? - Channing Tatum !!!!!!!!!!     let's be real who WOULDNT want o have dinner with him???
  11. What should my next blog topic be? - Another recipe the one you posted Saturday looked delicious! lol no but seriously I love your inspirational posts! I need some of that in my life right now!!!! <3
11 facts (oh yeah some more facts about ME)
  • I love Pepsi Max
  • i think i have an eating disorder, called binge eating!! i looked it up !!! wow! that is me ! -___-    ok ...lets get it straight though I DONT THROW IT BACK UP lol
  • i seriously hate the "gummy bear song" with a damn passion!!!!! I want to kill my sons father for introducing it to him!
  • i think i might be a hoarder, i thought it was just for nail polish, but when i think about it, i dont like throwin anything away!! my son is the same way! his horse is missing two legs, but does he want to throw it away? NO! he get is from his momma! lol
  • i am a full time mother and full time employee at a hotel, desperately wanting a desk job!
  •  i wish i could quit my job and make blogging a full time job!
  • i dont want to go back to school because i dont know what i actually want to do...i know so many people who waste money on school and end up going into a whole nother field.. who got time for that?!
  • i really hate being lied to
  • i have 6 sisters, two half, and two step, and two by a dad that raised me when i was younger. 
  • i have three daddies. lol i have my real dad which i met when i was like 18 ( i am so thankful to have gotten to meet him & his wife and my two half sisters..that's a whoooole separate blog post LOL) i have my dad that raised me when i was younger (born - roughly age 5) then i have my stepdad which i currently live with and my mom is happily married to for about 14? years lol anyways like i said that's for another blog post lol. 
  • i am a cigarette smoker, and really really want the e-cig!  
  • my number one go-to lip moisturizer is my carmax, i have a million tubes but i always end up losing them and when that happens my world is upside down! i tear up my room and car looking for it 
  oops i think that was more then 11. oh well! lol

my Nominees are.... ( in no specific order) 
  1. Life in Bloom
  2. It's all in the details
  3. A simple kind of wonderful
  4. The Bliss Diaries
  5. Unabashedly Me
  6. Life as Becca
  7. The Gallivanting Girl Blog
  8. The Literatorium
  9. Keeping Plus
  10. The Momma Experience
  11. ..Hello, Good Morning Sunshine

 my Questions for y'all...

  1. how many siblings do you have?
  2. growing up, who was your idol, & why?
  3. are you an early bird, or a night owl?
  4. when did you start blogging? 
  5. why did you start blogging?
  6. what is the story behind your blog name? 
  7.  your favorite holiday & why?
  8. if you had a super power, what would it be?
  9. what is your favorite food?
  10. how many blogs do you read on a daily basis?
  11. what are you doing for valentine's day & are you going to have a post about it? ;)
I probably have already chosen half of the blogs before in my last award post , but these are some of the ones i read on a daily basis,that are awesome & that have less than 200 followers. i love them and everyone should click on each and every one of them and start following and reading along! now ! =D
hope to hear all your answers this time, i know last time. i don't think anyone replied to me with a response LOL

i my readers
a social media linky party 
(join every monday!)

here's how it works:
C O P Y & P A S T E  T H I S  B U T T O N  T O
  Y O U R  B L O G  S I D E B A O R
L A T E S T  B L O G  P O S T:
add your blog URL below
(only Blogger blogs with Google Friend Connect enabled can benefit from this)
"follow" quite the blog
"follow" southern beauty guide
"follow" the literatorium
"follow" manicures and extra sprinkles...please!

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add your Facebook fan page URL below
"follow" quite the blog
"follow" southern beauty guide
"follow" the literatorium

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add your Twitter fan page URL below
"follow" quite the blog
"follow" southern beauty guide
"follow" the literatorium
• "follow" manicures and extra sprinkes...please!

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add your Instagram fan page URL below
"follow" quite the blog
"follow" southern beauty guide
"follow" the literatorium
• "follow" manicures and extra sprinkles...please!

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add your Instagram fan page URL below
"follow" quite the blog
"follow" southern beauty guide
"follow" the literatorium
"follow" manicures and extra sprinkles...please!

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also linking up with  Party of One

goals for last week ;
FantasticallyAverage1. GET MY CAR OUT OF THE SHOP -i have not yet! but i have to on Thursday.
2. GET MY TAXES DONE -nope! i planned on getting them done at a dealership where they double but it ended up being that they double UP TO 2,000.. ughh
3. SHOP FOR VALENTINES DAY - yep! and i think im done! im already over valentines day! lol  (this is when you know me and my boyfriend are arguing)
 4. DON'T EAT FAST FOOD THIS WEEK - other then the first night when i wrote this, i haven't paid for any take-out, or fast, food!! yay for me
5. DO A RANDOM ACT Of KINDNESS! - yessir I was in line at the dollar store Saturday, and someone behind me only had a few items, so i paid for it. OK let me be honest!!!! i waited near the register pretending i was looking at stuff for someone to come in line that only had a few items! sorry im broke but i wanted to make this goal green!

goals for this week ; 
1. GET MY CAR OUT OF THE SHOP - I have procrastinated long enough on paying them there 100 dollar to tell me whats wrong with my car...

2. FILE MY TAXES - I need my moneeeeyyyyyyyyyy!
3. DON'T EAT FAST FOOD - and this time I only mean like Mcdonalds, and that junk! im trying to stay clear and diet one step at a time.. lord help me with this binge eating disorder!

4. SEND OUT ALL MY MAIL - yeah cupid swap, nail mail, and important shit... which all needs to go out tomorrow!!! im such a procrastinator =/
5.  DO A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS - I enjoyed it so much I want to do it again,times are hard even for me but I want to spread the kind love around, I remember one time I was in line a chic fi la {damn they are expensive} and someone in front of me paid for my breakfast.. not even thinking(i was young like 19) not even thinking about how nice that was and how I should do the same! so I'm repaying now!

this weekend I ...

1// did art n crafts with the kids  2// was this {-} close to buying a new car,, sigh i should have taken the offer! im so upset & confused i don't really feel like writing about it right now, so i'll save that post for another time !  3//  painted my nails at work [a lot] but i'll just show you two lol  4// slept in Sunday after work but still had time to chill wihtmy baby boy and party a lil for football  5// made and ate some really good football snack-ish food!  
yep.. i that order!



Jessica Eustace said...

I have a hoarding issue with nail polish too. A girl can never have too many.
I want the e-cig too. I've been trying to quit with no success but I really think the e-cig is right up my alley. Swinging by from the GFC blog hop. Following you!

Lisa said...

thanks again for the nom! im going to work on it now :)

Lisa said...

it's up!

Samantha said...

Thanks for the nomination :)

HomeFor4 said...

it's nice knowing you from those facts about you... :)

thank you for linking up with Fun Friday Blog Hop, i hope you're having fun blog hopping!

see you next time, huggies♥