Wednesday, December 10, 2014

It's time to get out! *39 Weeks*

I am 39 weeks and it's time for her to get out!!! 

*^not my picture^*

I've gotten a few guesses from loved ones. It was fun to see when they though baby girl would get here. I was kinda hoping she would come early, but it looks like she is going to right on time or induced as a Christmas baby!!!! 

Here is what the guesses were:
Nana – 12/20/2014
Papa – 12/17/2014
Daddy – 12/17/2014
Aunt Bri - 12/24/14
Aunt Lindsey – 12/18/2014
Taylor – 12/17/2014 (because this is the only day she requested off LOL)
Kim – 12/15/2014
Aunt Michelle – 12/19/2014
Velda - 12/17/14 
Auntie Cassandra - 12/25/14
Chelsea - 12/24/14
TeTe - 12/5/14 (her birthday)

These were a couple of the guesses!!! 

Baby is size of a Mini Watermelon! 

 Well heartburn is the most common this week. That and swelling for sure! 

 Tossing and turning, still using the bathroom eight times a night. 

 Craving anything fried. AND Grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.

Maternity Clothes
 Nothing new, Just hoping I fit some regular clothes again when she does come!

Weight gain
 I can't even believe I'm at 190! ahhhhh

 Def not working out. and I probably won't until she gets here.

Stretch Marks
 Right now I an't even think about what new stretch marks I have! I'm just lathering up with lotion every chance I get. ;)

 Of course nothing has changed here! She is still moving around and hurting me! I love it when I can see her moving!! The BEST thing ever!!! 

Labor Signs
 Contractions are still daily but not close to each other.

 We found out HERE what we were having! & I'm still so excited about it!

Baby Names 
 I think I have the name saved. Amiliana. There. That's it. I will tell everyone on facebook when she gets here ;) BUT now we're stuck on a middle name. I can't think of anything! Suggestions? 

Belly button in or out?
 I've been saying "still in" for the past few weeks, but I think it's like and innie outtie lol... it's really looks like I don't have a belly button at all. 

Rings on or off?
 My rings are OFF now, I had to take them off two weeks ago.

 I basically have everything done. I just need to know how big she is going to be so I can organize clothes!! I guess I'll never really know since she will grow at her own pace. 

Doc Appointment
 I had a doctors appointment this Monday, with an ultrasound! ^_^ I went in to my normal appointment. I got to see my baby!!

I got checked for dilation again this week. I'm still at 2cm. Wishful thinking that she would come early, right! Well before that, I told her that I was really swollen and she checked my blood pressure again. She told me that she called labor and delivery, told them that I would be in to get checked. She said that my blood level had elevated and I needed to be watched. 

GREAT! I had to go into labor and delivery for a few hours. 

BUT I went home that same day, with no baby. 

 Keep up with me & Let me know your here!