Happy Halloween every one!!!!
Glitter Pumpkins
What you'll need;
Fake pumpkin (OR real!)
Loose Glitter
Mod Podge
I taped the stem because I wanted to have the stem the regular color.
Before realizing that my Glitter spray had gone to h-e-l-l.
I primed my pumpkin LOL
So you can skip this step and go straight to the mod podge!
I just covered the pumpkin in mod podge..
Then sprinkled glitter on it.
Take the tape off the stem and then your done!
Mason Jar Halloween Lanterns!
Porch Decoration out of Milk Cartons

Painting Pumpkins

Halloween Toilet Paper Rolls

---------------Did you know?-----------------
Bleach will kill bacteria (DUH) and help your pumpkin stay fresh longer.
Never even thought about this!
After you scoop out & carve your pumpkin, dip it into a large container
of bleach and water (use a 1 tsp to 1 gal mix).
Once completely dry, (drying upside down), mix together 2 tablespoons
of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to a quart of water. Put it onto
your pumpkin to keep it looking fresh for weeks.
You can help me reach my goal of $200, by ordering from my Thirty-One event!! It will end on the November the 19th So that gives everyone time to order!
Keep up with me & Let me know your here!
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